Improving Inconsistent Copy of Kopi Kenangan ‘Promo Page’ — A UX Writing Case Study

5 min readFeb 13, 2022

Hi, peeps! As part of my bootcamp assignment, I came back with another case study. This time I’d like to focus on observing UX Writing of Kopi Kenangan app.

Disclaimer: Note that I am not an employee of Kopi Kenangan, so the analysis I’m making here is based on what I observed and researched! ;)


Kopi Kenangan is one of the fastest growing grab-and-go coffee chain in Indonesia. It releases an app for its customers to directly order their coffee either by pickup or delivery, provide free vouchers and cashback to its customers, and also give exclusive membership deals.

Through this app, those of Kopi Kenangan’s loyal customers would definitely download the app to enjoy the exclusive benefits.

As for this case study, I will be focusing on the Promo Page of Kopi Kenangan app.

Kopi Kenangan Core Brand Voice

Kopi Kenangan has a strong brand voice. Just as the name suggests, ‘Kopi Kenangan’ literally means coffee memories. It rings a few things when people hear this:


Yep, literally. Kopi Kenangan wants to leave its customers with meaningful ‘memories’ when they serve their customers. Their dream is to serve high quality coffee made with local ingredients to the rest of the world. They hope their customers will remember the taste of their coffee or any impression of Kopi Kenangan when they interact with them.

Love & Empathy

Kopi Kenangan Logo

Using heart in their logo, Kopi Kenangan wants to express love to their customers. Uniquely, it could be expressed through their coffees, their service, or their products. By expressing their love, they try to be as empathetic as possible to their customers. This is what makes them feel close and relatable to their customers.


With memories, love, and empathy, then comes a warm feeling. It manifests from all three foundations that built Kopi Kenangan. Memories and love don’t always leave you with good and happy feelings, sometimes it could be sadness or frustration. Kopi Kenangan will be there to embrace their customers with warmth and welcome feeling.

Finding the Problem

Albeit strong with their brand, I identified a few problems as I walkthrough their app. Since I am focusing on Promo Page, I use this scenario:

I want to check if there are any available promos before I order my coffee.

There are two user flows when users want to check any available promos:

  1. Apply Voucher
  2. Buy Voucher Pack

This is how the user flow looks like to apply voucher.

Apply Voucher User Flow

And this is how the user flow looks like to buy a voucher pack.

Buy Voucher Pack User Flow

Inconsistent Use of Language

Inconsistent Copy Found in Kopi Kenangan App

When I observe the flow while I want to check available promos, I found there are a few microcopies that are written in English instead of Indonesian.

Kopi Kenangan provides two languages in their app, but this inconsistent use of language in their microcopy could cause annoyance, confusion, and more importantly, misunderstanding to customers.

So why does it cause annoyance, confusion, and misunderstanding?

1. Switching language is pretty annoying
Don’t you agree? Our brain has to think twice and adapt to the new language or terms used in the app. This inconsistency leaves a bad taste for the customer’s experience.

2. Hmm… what exactly does it mean?
Let’s say some customers don’t mind the language switch, but how about the rest that choose Indonesian as its main language in the app? There was no change, they are still confused with the meaning of the copy. This could hinder them to finish their task, or would probably give up on the task.

3. Huh… why didn’t it work?
When customers feel confused, it could lead to a misunderstanding. It could be that they misunderstand the feature’s use or give up on using it at all. It compromises the goal of the task to let customers use the exclusive benefits that Kopi Kenangan offers.

Proposed Solution

To deliver a better and strong brand, fixing microcopies such as inconsistent use of language is also an important task to do.

Voucher Saya Screen


Old Copy: Pakai di Apps, Valid thru 20 Feb 2022

Alternatice Copy: Pakai di Aplikasi, Berlaku s/d 20 Feb 2022

Reason: Fully translating English words into Indonesian to avoid any confusion. It might be a little bit longer than the old one, but the meaning is still clear, useful, and concise.

Voucher Detail Screen

Voucher Detail Screen

Old Copy: Voucher Detail, Pakai di Apps, Valid thru 20 Feb 2022

Alternatice Copy: Detail Voucher, Pakai di Aplikasi, Berlaku sampai 20 Feb 2022

Reason: Fully translating English words into Indonesian to avoid any confusion. There’s a slight difference microcopy of “Berlaku s/d 20 Feb 2022” from Voucher Saya Screen to “Berlaku sampai 20 Feb 2022” in this screen. Using “sampai” instead of “s/d” is to avoid double use of it since the header above has already used it. Also, this is a new page screen and it doesn’t need to be written as short as possible like the previous screen. All that matters is that it’s clear enough.

Voucher Detail Screen

Old Copy: Remove Voucher

Alternatice Copy: Tukar Voucher

Reason: Fully translating English words into Indonesian to avoid any confusion.


It was a fun and challenging thing to do this case study. Exploring brand and voice of the company, learning and understanding it, and identifying any microcopy problems in their app. If anything, I would love to do an interview with the users to find the problem and test the solution, which I wasn’t able to do yet in this case study.

Hello, thank you for reading! Feel free to leave behind any comments or feedback below! It would be greatly appreciated :) You can also find me through my Instagram or connect with me on LinkedIn. See you on another project!




Hi. I love reading about personal growth and positive changes. Currently invested in user experience and product design :)